
Secondary Sources

Cox, John D. Traveling South: Travel Narratives and the Construction of American Identity. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2005.

Amy G Richter. Women, The Railroad, and the Rise of Public Domesticity. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2005.

Roberson, Susan L. Antebellum American Women Writers and the Road: American Mobilities. New York: Routledge (2011).

Winders, Jamie. "Imperfectly Imperial: Northern Travel Writers in the Postbellum U.S. South, 1865-1880." Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Vol. 95, No. 2 (Jun., 2005).

Primary Sources

Military and Pension Records.
Muster Roll, July & August, 1864
Declaration for Original Invalid Pension
Affidavit of Physician

Morse, Alcander. Journal. N.P.: A. O. Morse, 1862-1864.

Morse, Alcander. Journal. Edited by Charles A. Nash, Charles Nash, and Robert Nash. N.P.: Nash, 1995.

Nash, Charles A. and Ella S. Nash. Recollections. N.P.: C. A. & E. S. Nash, n.d.

Stryker, William S., Adjutant General. Record of Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Civil War, 1861-1865. Trenton: John L. Murphy, Steam Book and Job Printer, 1876.

Recommended Reading

Boyd, Cyrus F. The Civil War Diary of Cyrus F. Boyd, Fifteenth Iowa Infantry, 1861-1863. Edited by Mildred Throne. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1998.

Clayton, William Henry Harrison. A Damned Iowa Greyhound: The Civil War Letters of William Henry Harrison Clayton. Edited by Donald C. Elder III. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1998.

McIntyre, Benjamin F. Federals on the Frontier: The Diary of Benjamin F. McIntyre: 1862-1864. Edited by Nannie M. Tilley. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1963.

Mullins, Michael A. The Fremont Rifles: A History of the 37th Illinois Veteran Volunteer Infantry. Wilmington, N.C.: Broadfoot Publishing Co., 1990.